here is a new bio for me, Matt Clipner. Most of the people
that go to this site know me already, but for the rest of
you, then here we go I am a full sixteen years old. My full
name is Matthew James Clipner, but a lot of times I get a
Robert stuck in there somewhere. I have been playing drums
for about two and a half years, and I am in love with the
drum set. I wish i was a better drummer though, so I could
lay down some cool beats, like that of Colin Rigsby, and/or
Travis Barker (what a comparison). I've been in Speedy ever
since it started, and it's awesome. I attend Delaware Christian
School. It's a good school, but sometimes it feels like more
of a public school than a Christian one. Some of my favorite
bands are Relient k, MxPx, and I like a lot of House Of Heroes
stuff. Now you know all about me….
Matthew James Robert Clipner.....mabye more names, but my
parents tell me a new one every year
Birthplace: Lansing, Michigan...don't
worry, I hate The University of Michigan
Birthday: 2-21-87
Family / Siblings:
like Josh, I have 19 sisters..... Brandy, Erin,(the
sweetest mosher in the world) Morgan, Shannon....then there
is the other 15 that were abducted by aliens
Favorite Bands: MxPx, HOLLAND!!!!!!!
Hobbies: Checking out Chicks...
playing drums
High School: Delaware Christian
School, home of the eagles!!
Fav. Subject: Definalty not 1st
period study hall
Fav. Food:
Pop, chips, and basically anything else that kills
your body quicker than normal.
Shoesize: 44 and 1/2.....in france
Favorite Simpsons episode: the
one where Homer and Mel Gibson create a movie....
Marital status: single
Bands you'd like to see fight each other:
Good Charlotte Vs. Dead Poetic.....
Boxers or briefs: Silky smooth
Boxers... maroon
Favorite non-Simpsons cartoon:
ah, teenage mutant ninja turtles
Preferred animal to fight, bear or gorilla:
both and at once...id win!!
Fav. Movies:
airplane, lord of the rings, two towers
Fav. words: "sad
Fav. bone to break: my
Current car: 1985 Caprice
Pop or Soda: which is which?
Pets: Dog, sandra...cat, icecs
My email: speedymattie@yahoo.com
